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Image by Andrew Kliatskyi

 Mental Health Consulting Services
Driven by Neuroscience

Brain-Based Consulting Services for
High-Performance Organizations

Clients tend to hire Dr. Pamela when they are experiencing the following:

Leadership Challenges: In high-stress environments like first responders and healthcare settings, leadership effectiveness can be a struggle. Dr. Pamela's Brain-Savvy Leadership seminar equips leaders with brain-savvy awareness and skills to help others thrive.

Vicarious Trauma: Exposure to direct or indirect trauma in high-risk conditions takes a toll on mental health. Dr. Pamela's Vicarious Trauma Recovery seminar focuses on optimizing brain performance and health to improve mental well-being.

PTSD & Chronic Stress: High-stress conditions perpetuate unresolved trauma symptoms. Dr. Pamela's NRTT Method offers an unconventional approach to resolving PTSD and trauma, empowering individuals to reclaim their power and create their desired life.

Crisis & Conflicts: Crisis and conflict resolution are vital for successful organizations. Dr. Pamela's Crisis De-Escalation seminar provides tangible strategies for resolving conflicts peacefully by understanding the brain's response to a crisis.

Psychological Safety Challenges: Building authentic connections and fostering psychological safety are vital for a supportive, inclusive workplace. Dr. Pamela's Brain-Based Trauma-Informed Care seminar enhances emotional intelligence, interpersonal connections, brain-savvy leadership, and the value of neuromastery. 

Discover the full spectrum of Dr. Pamela Seraphine's transformative seminars at the NeuroMastery Academy.


For Organizations: Dr. Pamela's virtual consulting services can be customized to suit our organization's specific needs and challenges. The NeuroMastery Academy course materials can be used to further support sustainable growth and resilience for long-term sustainable success and wellness. 

For Individuals: You'll have the option to unlock a wealth of knowledge and cutting-edge neuroscience-based strategies that empower you to regain control of your life and thrive! If you prefer personalized help with complex challenges, you can do 1-on-1 consulting or NeuroPsych Counselling (BC residents only).

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Reach out to Dr. Pamela Seraphine

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Image by Milad Fakurian

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